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37 Faber Walk, Singapore 128969

Welcome to Horizonix! Together we will be able to reach incredible heights and implement the most daring projects.

Factors that brought you to our site:

  • Looking for efficient and flexible language learning.

  • Interested in advancing your career or enhancing business opportunities.

  • Seeking certification of language proficiency recognized around the world.

A few of our indicators

Our company has extensive experience and knowledge in this industry, our company has a positive reputation for services. Our achievements are a large number of satisfied customers, we are always confident in our abilities and always help to achieve success. Let us share our results with you.

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  • Satisfied customers


  • Number of clients


Helixir Language School: Your Pathway to Multilingual Mastery

Helixir Language School: Your Pathway to Multilingual Mastery

At Helixir Language School, we believe in the transformative power of language. Whether you're aiming to advance your career, connect with new cultures, or simply broaden your horizons, mastering a new language opens doors to endless opportunities.

Why Choose Helixir?

  1. Expert Instruction: Our team of experienced instructors are not only native speakers but also passionate educators dedicated to helping you succeed.
  2. Customized Learning: We understand that every student is unique, which is why we offer personalized learning plans tailored to your goals, schedule, and learning style.
  3. Cutting-edge Curriculum: Our innovative curriculum combines traditional teaching methods with the latest technology to ensure effective and engaging learning experiences.
  4. Flexible Options: Whether you prefer one-on-one lessons, group classes, or online sessions, we offer flexible options to accommodate your busy lifestyle.
  5. Supportive Community: Join our vibrant community of language enthusiasts where you can practice with fellow students, participate in cultural events, and immerse yourself in the language.

Our Programs

  • General Language Courses: From beginner to advanced levels, our comprehensive courses cover grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and conversation skills.
  • Business Language Training: Gain a competitive edge in the global market with our specialized business language courses tailored to your industry and professional goals.
  • Exam Preparation: Prepare for language proficiency exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, DELE, and more with our targeted exam preparation courses.
  • Customized Corporate Training: Elevate your team's language skills with our tailored corporate training programs designed to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Begin Your Language Journey Today

Ready to embark on an exciting language-learning adventure? Join Helixir Language School and unlock your full potential. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, our expert instructors will guide you every step of the way.

Don't let language barriers hold you back. Take the first step towards fluency with Helixir Language School. Enroll now and discover the world of possibilities that await you!

Basic tariff

53.6$ / Month

Access to essential learning materials and resources

10 hours of monthly live sessions

Monthly progress evaluations

Certificate of completion


Extended tariff

107.2$ / Month

Unlimited course materials and advanced resources

20 hours of live interactive sessions per month

Bi-weekly progress assessments

Participation in thematic workshops and webinars

Global certificate of intermediate proficiency

Priority support from tutors


Order Form


Premium tariff

214.4$ / Month

Lifetime access to all language courses

Over 30 hours of live expert coaching each month

Weekly detailed feedback sessions

Eligibility to attend international language conferences

Guaranteed internship offers from multinational companies

Personalized career guidance

Lifetime membership for job placement support

Certificate of advanced proficiency

Our collaborative collaboration in action

Learn through a combination of live classes, online resources, and periodic evaluations.

Choose your desired course from a broad selection of languages.

Enhance your learning with projects and practical assignments based on real-world scenarios.

Our Partners

Our People

  • James Smith


  • Elizabeth Green

    Multilingual Tour Guide

  • Henry White

    Diplomatic Services Professional

  • Victoria Turner

    Foreign Language Teacher